Privacy Policy

Privacy & Policy:

This privacy policy describes how the website and related application (the “Site”, “we” or “us”) collects, uses, shares and protects the personal information that we collect through this Site. NatureX has established this Site to link up users who need food parcels delivered (“Customers”) with individuals who will provide the delivery services. This policy also applies to any mobile applications that we develop for use with our services and Team specific pages on the Site, and references to this “Site”, “we” or “us” is intended to also include these mobile applications. Please read below to learn more about our information practices. By using this Site, you agree to these practices. 

Information Provided By Your Web Browser 

You have to provide us with personal information like your name, contact no, mailing address and email id, our app will also fetch your location information in order to give you the best service. Like many other websites, we may record information that your web browser routinely shares, such as your browser type, browser language, software and hardware attributes, the date and time of your visit, the web page from which you came, your Internet Protocol address and the geographic location associated with that address, the pages on this Site that you visit and the time you spent on those pages. This will generally be anonymous data that we collect on an aggregate basis. We may also use Google Analytics or a similar service to gather statistical information about the visitors to this Site and how they use the Site. This, also, is done on an anonymous basis. 

Personal Information That You Provide 

If you want to use our service or contact a NatureX member, you must create an account on our Site. To establish your account, we will ask for personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you, which may include your name, phone number, and e-mail address. We may also collect demographic information about you, such as your zip code, and allow you to submit additional information that will be part of your NatureX profile. Other than basic information that we need to establish your account, it will be up to you to decide how much information to share as part of your profile. We encourage you to think carefully about the information that you share and we recommend that you guard your identity and your sensitive information. Of course, you can review and revise your profile at any time. From time to time, we may run contests or promotions and ask for a postal mailing address and other personal information relating to the contest or promotion. It will always be your choice whether to provide your personal information in order to participate in these events. 

Payment Information 

Our only payment channel is cash on delivery. Thus, if you are a Customer, you will make payments once the parcel is at your doorstep. We will have your address and contact no. in order to identify the customer. 

Session And Persistent Cookies 

As is commonly done on websites, we may use cookies and similar technology to keep track of our users and the services they have elected. A “cookie” is a small text file containing alphanumeric characters that is stored on your computer’s hard drive and uniquely identifies your browser. We use both “session” and “persistent” cookies. Session cookies are deleted after you leave our website and when you close your browser. We use data collected with session cookies to enable certain features on our Site, to help us understand how users interact with our Site, and to monitor at an aggregate level Site usage and web traffic routing. If you have created an account, we will also use persistent cookies that remain on your computer’s hard-drive between visits, so that when you return to our Site we can remember who you are and your preferences. For example, after you log out of our Site, these persistent cookies can enable you to return to our Site without the need to log back in. We may allow business partners who provide services to our Site to place cookies on your computer that assist us in analyzing usage data. We do not allow these business partners to collect your personal information from our website except as may be necessary for the services that they provide. You can manage these cookies. For example, you can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. If you disable cookies, however, it may interfere with the functionality of our Site and you may not be able to use all of the Site’s features. 

Web Beacons 

We may also use web beacons or similar technology to help us track the effectiveness of our communications. For example, if you have elected to receive any of our email newsletters, we may use technology that allows us to see how many recipients have opened the message and how many have clicked on one of its links. 

Advertising Cookies 

We may use third parties, such as Google, to serve ads about our website over the internet. These third parties may use cookies to identify ads that may be relevant to your interest (for example, based on your recent visit to our website), to limit the number of times that you see an ad, and to measure the effectiveness of the ads. 

What We Do With The Information We Collect 

We will generally use the information that we collect to provide our services, to monitor and analyze visitor activity on our website, promote and support our services, and develop a knowledge base regarding our website users. As detailed below, certain information that you provide may be available to visitors to the Site, and some information will be shared between Customers and NatureX Teams. 

This Policy Is An Agreement 

When you visit this Site, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.